Summer vacation will be here before you know it. You’ve earned your break and are ready to enjoy your time off. And while it may be tempting to begin counting down those final days and pick things back up in August, a little extra preparation now will go a long way.
Save yourself more time (and relaxation) this summer with these 3 tips for planning ahead.
- Reflect on the Current School Year
Whether you’re a teacher, student, or parent, every school year comes with its own set of excitement and challenges, so there’s no better time to reflect than now. Making time for reflection, even if you only have 15 minutes, gives you the opportunity to pause and think about how this school year went. A couple of things to think about:
What went well this year? What accomplishment am I most proud of? What were some of my strengths? What are some things I need to change?
Celebrate your successes while they’re fresh on your mind to help you identify areas that you’d like to grow in. This will help you as you set goals for yourself and for the year.

- Create Your Foundation
Creating a strong foundation is the key to a successful school year. You may tell yourself that you have months to brainstorm, but there are so many things that you can do now to make your return less stressful in the fall.
Start by thinking big picture of everything you do day-to-day, so you can plan for it. As a teacher your foundation may consist of:
- Schedule/Routines
- Lesson Planning
- Classroom Organization
- Systems & Procedures
- Parent Communication
These are things that will remain consistent throughout the year, so knowing how you want to tackle these important parts of your job will make things easier to navigate.
- Map Out Your Year
Proper planning means not only knowing what you need to do but understanding what you need to get it done. Start thinking of the tools and resources you’ll need to set yourself up for success. A planner is always a handy tool to keep everything organized at your desk or on the go. Manage your to-do lists, keep track of deadlines, holidays and activities for a complete overview of what is going on.

The new Southworth 2021-2022 Academic Planners are great for students, parents, and teachers to help keep school life organized. From July 2021 to June 2022, the planner allows for plenty of space to capture important dates, reminders, and monthly planning and reflection.
Available now on Amazon* and in your local Staples store in select designs.
*For a limited time only, use offer code ’10Southworth’ to save 10% off of your total purchase on Amazon.